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Thursday, February 14, 2013


拿班作势【ná bān zuò shì】            拿班做势【ná bān zuò shì】 

拿不出手【ná bù chū shǒu】            拿粗夹细【ná cū jiā xì】

拿粗挟细【ná cū xié xì】              拿刀动杖【ná dāo dòng zhàng】

拿刀弄杖【ná dāo nòng zhàng】         拿腔作调【ná qiāng zuò diào】

拿腔做势【ná qiāng zuò shì】          拿腔作势【ná qiāng zuò shì】

拿三搬四【ná sān bān sì】             拿手好戏【ná shǒu hǎo xì】

拿糖作醋【ná táng zuò cù】            拿下马来【ná xià mǎ lái】

拿云攫石【ná yún jué shí】            拿云握雾【ná yún wò wù】

拿云捉月【ná yún zhuō yuè】           拿贼见赃【ná zéi jiàn zāng】

拿贼拿赃【ná zéi ná zāng】

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