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Monday, July 16, 2012

Menyapa (say hello) 打招呼【dǎ zhāo hu】

This was the simple ways to greet the other people using chinese
Ini nih cara mudah yg sering dijumpai waktu bertemu orang dengan menggunakan mandarin.

A: 你好!nǐ hǎo
B: 你好!nǐ hǎo
A: 最近怎么样?【zuì jìn zěn me yàng
B: 还好,你呢?【hái hǎo, nǐ ne
A: 我也好。【wǒ ye hǎo

A: hallo!                                                                                               A: hello!
B: hallo!                                                                                               B: hello!
A: bagaimana kabarmu?                                                                  A: how are you today?
B: lumayan baik, kamu bagaimana?                                               B: i`m fine, and you?
A: saya juga baik.                                                                              A: i`m fine too

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