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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ask name (tanya nama) 问名字【wèn míng zi】

问别人的名字一般有三个方法:1. 随便问就是你叫什么名字2. 有点礼貌是怎样称呼你3. 很有礼貌的是您贵姓
Usually ask the other name is was in a three ways: 1. Informal ask is “你叫什么名字”; 2. Little bit formal is “怎样称呼你”; 3. In polite way is “您贵姓”.
Bertanya nama orang pada umumnya ada 3 cara: 1. Asal bertanya “你叫什么名字”; 2. Sedikit sopan “怎样称呼你”; 3. Benar2 sopan “您贵姓”.

A:老师好,我来了。【lǎo shī hǎo, wǒ lái le.
Hello teacher, I was come.        Hallo pak/bu guru, saya telah datang.
B:你叫什么名字?【nǐ jiào shén me míng zi?
What`s your name?           siapa namamu?
A:我叫丽丽。【wǒ jiào lì lì
My name is lili.            Nama saya lili.

wǒ hái bù zhī dao nǐ de míng zi ne. gāi zěn yàng chēng hu nǐ?
I still don`t know your name. how to call you?
B:我叫利亚,你呢?【wǒ jiào lì yà, nǐ ne?
My name is Lia, and you?
A:我叫娜娜,认识你很高兴。【wǒ jiào nà nà, rèn shi nǐ hěn gāo xìng
My name is nana, glad to know you.
B:认识你很高兴。【rèn shi nǐ hěn gāo xìng
Glad to know you.

     nǐ hǎo! qǐng wèn, zhè shì bàn gōng shì ma?
Hello! Excuse me, it is the office?      Halo! Tolong tanya, apa benar ini kantor guru?
       shǐ de. qǐng jìn! yǒu shén me shì?
Yes it is. Come in! anything to help?    Benar. Silahkan masuk! Ada yang bisa dibantu?
     lǎo shī, wǒ xiǎng wèn yī xià, wǒ de zhèng shū bàn hǎo le ma?
Mr/Ms, I want to ask, is my certificate was finish?    
       nǐ jiào shén me míng zi?
What`s your name?         siapa namamu?
     ān nà
Anna         anna
      en, bàn hǎo le. zhè gěi nǐ!
Yes, it was finish. Here it is!          Iya, sudah selesai. Nih!
     xiè xie lǎo shī. lǎo shī, nín guì xìng?
Thanks mr/ms. Mr/ms, what`s your name?
       wǒ xìng lǐ
My name is li.           Nama saya li.
     lǐ lǎo shī, xiè xie
Thanks Mr/ms li.            Terima kasih pak/bu li.

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