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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Organ vokal bahasa mandarin (Chinese vocal ogans) 汉语的发音器官【hàn yǚ de fā yīn qì guān】

Want speak good in Chinese? So you will need this knowledge, haha. Because in Chinese will use many vocal organs to make correct spellings.
Mau bisa bicara mandarin yg baik? Kalian harus tau ini dulu, hehe. Karena utk bisa bicara mandarin dengan benar harus menggunakan banyak organ vocal.

1. bibir atas (upper lip) 上唇【shàng chún
2. gigi atas (upper teeth) 上齿【shàng chǐ
3. gingiva (gingiva) 齿龈【chǐ yín
4. langit2 yg keras (hard palate) 硬腭【yìng è
5. langit2 yg lunak (soft palate) 软腭【ruǎn è
6. anak lidah (uvula) 小舌【xiǎo shé
7. bibir bawah (lower lip) 下唇【xià chún
8. gigi bawah (lower teeth) 下齿【xià chǐ
9. ujung lidah (tongue tip) 舌尖【shé jiān
10. permukaan lidah (lingual surface) 舌面【shé miàn
11. pangkal lidah (tongue root) 舌根【shé gēn
12. rongga kerongkongan (cavity of pharynx)
       咽腔【yān qiāng
13. dinding kerongkongan (pharyngeal wall)  
    咽壁【yān bì
14. penutup tenggorokan (larynx seal) 喉盖hóu gài
15. pita suara ( vocal cords) 声带【shēng dài


  1. terimakasih, ini sangat membantu saya:)

  2. Thank for sharing!!!
    China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a one-party state in East Asia and, with a population of around 1.404 billion,[13] the world's most populous country. Covering 9,600,000 square kilometers (3,700,000 sq mi),[k][19] China has the most borders of any country in the world. The Communist Party of China exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau.
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