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Thursday, August 16, 2012

lesson15: Barang elektronik umum (common electronic items) 常见电器【cháng jiàn diàn qì】

手机【shǒu jī                                  telepon genggam ;      handphone.
充电器【chōng diàn qì                  charger ;                       charger.
电话【diàn huà                              telepon ;                        phone.
传真【chuán zhēn                         fax ;                                fax.
照相机【zhào xiàng jī                   kamera ;                        camera.
电视【diàn shì                               televisi ;                         television.
收音机【shōu yīn jī                        radio ;                            radio.
录音机【lù yīn jī                              tape recorder;              tape recorder.
打印机【dǎ yīn jī                            printer ;                          printer.
扫描器【sǎo miáo qì                     scanner ;                      scanner.
电脑【diàn nǎo                              komputer ;                    computer.
笔记本电脑【bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo    laptop ;                         laptop, notebook.
灯【dēng                                         lampu ;                         lamp.
空调【kōng tiáo                              ac ;                                air conditioner.
电扇【diàn shàn                             kipas angin ;               electric fan.
冰箱【bīng xiāng                             kulkas ;                        refrigerator.
电炉【diàn lú                                   kompor listrik ;             electric stove.
电饭煲【diàn fàn bāo                    penanak nasi ;            rice cooker.
微波炉【wēi bō lú                           oven ;                           microwave oven.
搅拌机【jiǎo bàn jī                          blender ;                      blender.

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