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Hello guys, this blog was specially made for someone who want to learn about Chinese language, Chinese idioms, etc.
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Thursday, August 30, 2012

讹以传讹 【é yǐ chuán é】

Meanspread some wrong issues and add it with the other issues. More people spread it and the issues will getting worse.
Artimenyebarkan kabar yang salah dan ditambahi bumbu-bumbu. Semakin disebarkan semakin parah.
示例:1. 如其不经审判,恐愚民讹以传讹,借词煽动,其乱愈滋。
          2. 不然,长髯紫衣,怪诞幽显之说,何其骇异哉?后人又不考而吟咏焉,讹以传讹也。

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