welcome to study

Hello guys, this blog was specially made for someone who want to learn about Chinese language, Chinese idioms, etc.
if you had some question, just feel free to ask. i`ll be answer as soon as possible ^.^
the blog was made with Chinese - English - Indonesia language...
so i hope it will make u learn easier ^.^

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bersyukur (grateful) 感激【gǎn jī】

gǎn jī shāng hài nǐ de rén,  yīn wei tā mó liàn nǐ de xīn zhì
Be thankful for the one who harm you, because they was temper our will.
Berterima kasihlah kepada org yg menyakitimu, karena dia telah menempa tekad kita.