welcome to study

Hello guys, this blog was specially made for someone who want to learn about Chinese language, Chinese idioms, etc.
if you had some question, just feel free to ask. i`ll be answer as soon as possible ^.^
the blog was made with Chinese - English - Indonesia language...
so i hope it will make u learn easier ^.^

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basic 基础

in this page we`ll talk about all basic of Chinese, so from where do we must started? just follow the sequence. 

lembar ini akan membahas tentang semua dasar2 dalam bahasa mandarin, darimana kita harus mulai? ikutin aja nih urutannya ^.^



huruf (letter) 字母【zì mǔ】

Organ vokal bahasa mandarin (Chinese vocal ogans) 汉语的发音器官【hàn yǚ de fā yīn qì guān

Pelafalan (pronounciation) 发音【fā yīn】1.

Pelafalan (pronunciation) 发音【fā yīn】2.

Cara melafalkan (pronounce method)

Nada (tones) 声调【shēng diào】

Perubahan nada (modified tones) 变调【biàn diào】1

Perubahan nada (modified tones) 变调【biàn diào】2

goresan dasar (basic stroke) 笔画【bǐ huà】

Urutan goresan huruf mandarin (Chinese order of strokes / sequence of strokes)笔顺【bǐ shùn】

Komponen karakter huruf mandarin (Chinese character component) 偏旁【piān páng】

量词【liàng cí】 Measure words Kata satuan

单子反义词大全【dānzi fǎnyìcí dàquán】complete collection of single-word antonym koleksi lengkap lawan kata tunggal

Punctuation 标点符号【biāo diǎn fú hào】



  1. bedanya fa yin 1 sama 2 apa ?

    1. klo fayin 1 itu organ yang digunakan dan sebutannya, klo fayin 2 itu menjelaskan cara penggunaan organ tersebut agar bisa terucap dengan sempurna, g`luck ^.^


Just feel free to comment or ask anything my friend.
help us to improve this blog for the benefit of anyone who want to learn Chinese.
i`ll always try the best to answer or reply your comment as soon as possible ^.^