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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Komponen karakter huruf mandarin/ Radikal (Chinese character component / Radical) 偏旁【piān páng】

Many people knew how to write a Chinese character, but when someone ask you, how to say each part of it? Lot of people don`t know how to answer, hehe... Usually is said “the character component and the letter”. Ex: = kǒu zì páng and mǎ. This time we`ll teach about the name of the Chinese character component.
Banyak orang tau cara tulis huruf mandarin, tapi waktu ditanya gimana nyebutnya nih? Banyak org g tau cara jawabnya, hehe... Pada umumnya ngucapinnya itu “komponen karakter dan hurufnya”. Misal: = kǒu zì páng dan mǎ. Kali ini kita bakal jelasin tentang nama2 componentnya deh.
很多人知道怎样写汉字,可当有人问怎样说呢?大多数是不知道该怎样回答,呵呵。。。 一般是说偏旁 + 字母 如:吗 = 口字旁 + 马。此次会给大家看偏旁的名字。